Blue Ocean-developed technology has been integrated into a pilot scale autonomous Ocean Bottom Seismic (OBS) data acquisition system, resulting in a step change reduction in the cost, time and HSE risks required to acquire high quality OBS data.
Blue Ocean Seismic Services Joint Venture UK and Australian facilities are fully operational
Engineering and support teams are in place (36 staff)
Operations team ramp-up is underway
Continued strong technical engagement with stakeholders (bp Ventures & Woodside)
Developed cutting edge technology in Command & Control proven
In addition to hydrocarbon exploration and reservoir optimisation, BOSS technology can be used for CO2 storage location identification and wind farm development uses.
Case Study:
Mining Tailings Disposal, Indonesia
Surface to 200 m water depths
Continuous profiling for 25 days
Data collected and reported in real time
Confirmation of tailings placement below required water depths
Case Study:
Drill Mud Monitoring, Western Australia
Validation of hydrodynamic and sediment dispersion models
Prior to, during and following drilling operations
Continuous profiling for 45 days
Glider redundancy provided to ensure data continuity
Case Study:
Produced Formation Water Surveys, Western Australia
Fluorescence sensors integrated for measuring Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM)
DOM used for the determination of hydrocarbon presence
Laboratory established relationship Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons (TRH)
Rhodamine level detection