Jenny Lovell Jenny Lovell

Achieving Excellence in Marine Tech

In January 2022, Blue Ocean Monitoring set out on a mission to elevate our operations by securing ISO accreditation for Quality 9001:2015 and Safety 45001:2018. Our goal? To enhance our reliability, sustainability, and expand our work with Defence, Energy sectors, and attract new clients.

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Jenny Lovell Jenny Lovell

BO-MTS AUVs, JASCO Applied Sciences and Ocius Bluebottle USVs demonstrate cutting-edge real-time acoustic marine-mammal monitoring

Blue Ocean Marine Tech Systems (BO-MTS), JASCO Applied Sciences Australia and Ocius Technology combined to demonstrate near real-time detection, classification, and tracking of marine mammals using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) off the coast of Western Australia. The seven-day demonstration focused on detecting humpback whales during their southern migration.

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The Cut The Cut

Mary Hackett appointed to Blue Ocean Monitoring Board

The Blue Ocean Monitoring Group has matured significantly over the past 12 months. In particular, the use of joint ventures to leverage the Group’s technology and industry reach has enabled the Group to expand its sphere of influence significantly.

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